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A wedding is one of the most important days in a woman’s life. All the preparation-to look good, lean and gorgeous in all the photos, women buy expensive clothes, hit the salon and gym as soon as their wedding date is finalized. So much effort for the D-day!
But what happens when the glitz and the celebrations get over? You gradually settle in a new house which is yours and your sex life is on a swing. But one change post marriage that bothers a lot of women is weight gain.
A study claims that about 65% of the women in India gain weight post marriage. But why is it so? Here are few of the reasons you might be gaining weight:
While we all know that complaining is silly, so you either act or forget. If you are really freaked about this weight gain, you can follow these tips:
While it is okay to gain a few pounds, keep a check on over-gaining and learn where to draw the line. Consult a nutritionist if you are totally freaked out with your gaining pounds.
Stay fit!
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