Unplanned pregnancy

    For a couple who has been eagerly waiting to conceive the news of pregnancy will be a huge moment of joy for them. But if the couple is not planning a pregnancy the reaction to the news of pregnancy will be quite different.

    To deal with an unplanned pregnancy require a lot of emotional strength and support from the family members. 

    An unplanned pregnancy can be the result of failure of contraceptive.

    There is emotional and physical breakdown for the couple who have to deal with unplanned pregnancy. Mostly women’s are affected and the effects ae long term which interferes with the maternal health.

    As the news of unplanned pregnancy is a surprise for most of the women it can lead to serious complications like depression.

    The decision of carrying the pregnancy further depends upon the will and ability of the parents.

    Signs of pregnancy (missed period)

    The very first sign of pregnancy is missed menstruation but there are other signs and symptoms of pregnancy too. Here is a list of symptoms of being pregnant: 

    • Morning sickness
    • Frequent urination
    • Nausea with or without vomiting
    • Heartburn
    • Constipation
    • Fatigue
    • Headache
    • Mood swings
    • Backache
    • Weight gain
    • Cravings
    • Breast soreness etc. 

    These are all early pregnancy symptoms. But these may or may not appear in a pregnant woman as every individual is different. So, confirmation through a pregnancy test or a visit to your gynaecologists for pregnancy confirmation is advised. 

    Abortion (medical, surgical)

    Abortion is the medical termination of pregnancy of unwanted pregnancy. It is most commonly done in the cases of an unplanned pregnancy. In unplanned Pregnancy, abortion procedure has to be done up to 15 weeks of gestation (early abortion) either by surgical or medical abortion method (safe abortion). 

    Surgical method:

    Vacuum Aspiration is the most commonly performed surgical method of abortion in which embryo along with placenta and membranes are removed by light vacuum aspiration under local anesthesia. This method can be done up to 15 weeks of Pregnancy. Dilation and evacuation, or D&E is another method of surgical abortion that can be done up to 24 weeks of pregnancy under general anaesthesia.

    The medical method is done by giving pharmaceutical drugs like Mifepristone with Misoprostol to the pregnant woman. This combination of abortion pills can be used up to 9 weeks of pregnancy. 

    Issues with abortion (Abortion pill reversal, side effects):

    Abortion can be very damaging physically & mentally. So if you want to reverse abortion pill it can be done. The abortion pill reversal (APR) is a procedure that can be done only after the first dose of the medical abortion pill. APR cannot be done or is ineffective after the second set of pills. To reverse the effect of an abortion pill, a high dose of progesterone is given to the pregnant woman as the first abortion pill blocks the absorption of progesterone by the womb. So an influx of progesterone can incomplete the effect of the first pill and pregnancy may continue.

    Side effects of Abortion


    ●  After both methods of abortion, women can experience intense pain in the lower abdomen or in the pelvic region

    ●  Diarrhea can occur after medical abortion

    ●  Severe lower abdominal cramps can occur after both methods

    ●  Nausea, vomiting & dizziness

    ●  Headache

    ●  Vaginal discharge

    ●  Iron Deficiency Anaemia

    ●  Depression 

    Post-abortion follow-up

    ●  Avoid lifting heavy objects up to 15 Days

    ●  Avoid hormonal pills up to next menstruation cycle

    ●  Keep hydrated and drink 7-8 glasses of water to avoid dehydration

    ●  Include green vegetables, fruits, and milk products in the diet

    ●  Massage or use hot bags for severe abdominal cramps

    ●  Avoid drinking or smoking

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Either you can continue the pregnancy or think about abortion 

    Major risks of abortion are:

    • Womb infection
    • Some pregnancy left in the uterus
    • Excessive bleeding 
    • Damage to cervix or womb in surgical abortion

    Usually, vaginal bleeding will start after abortion pills, but if it has not started, consult your gynecologist as you may need further medication or surgical abortion.

    Ideally, you should wait for two weeks after abortion to have a sexual relationship to avoid any unwanted infection.

    Early termination of pregnancy with abortion pills is safe even after C-section. But early detection and termination are important to prevent any risk or complication.

    Recovery time after abortion varies from woman to woman. It may take a few weeks for bleeding to stop and woman recovers simultaneously if there is no other complication. Also, it may take longer for a woman to recover if she has undergone a late-term abortion.

    It is advised to get the IUD removed before using the abortions medicines or you can undergo a medical abortion if you do not want to remove the IUD.

    In most of the cases, pregnancy after abortion is not difficult. This is because abortion does not affect the fertility of the woman and eggs keep on developing in her body. But if abortion was associated with some complication, it can be difficult for the woman to become pregnant again.

    Abdominal cramps and bleeding is normal after abortion, but if it does not stop or keeps on increasing, medical help should be taken. This can be a sign of incomplete abortion that need further treatment.

    A tampon should be avoided for at least 2 weeks after abortion in order to reduce the risk of infection. In fact, it is advised not to put anything into the vagina for the first two weeks after abortion.

    The abortion pill reversal (APR) is a procedure that can be done only after the first dose of the medical abortion pill. APR cannot be done or is ineffective after the second set of pills. To reverse the effect of an abortion pill, a high dose of progesterone is given to the pregnant woman as the first abortion pill blocks the absorption of progesterone by the womb. So an influx of progesterone can incomplete the effect of the first pill and pregnancy may continue.

    Dilation and curettage (D&C) are required only if there is incomplete abortion after medical abortion. But in most cases, abortion happens successfully after using abortion pills.