Newly Married? Know About the Best Contraceptives!

    Sex is exciting for newly-wed couples, so is fear of starting the family soon. Family planning always remains an important topic of discussion between newly married couples. It is one the topics that should be seriously discussed about. Newlyweds, who don't want to have children soon, need to select a suitable method for contraception. This will help them in deciding when and how many children they should have. For the newly married couples, it is recommended to explore the choice of planning for a family in detail. Nowadays, there are many and better contraceptive options depending on your needs and family planning preferences. For your convenience, we have listed a few of the contraceptives that are most suitable for newlywed couples.

    1. Barrier method of contraception: Barrier method not only prevent pregnancy but also protects against the sexually transmitted disease from one partner to another such as AIDS. Spermicidal creams and condoms are one of the best barrier methods of contraception. Whichever one you choose; you should remember that you must use birth control every time you have intercourse.
    2. Birth control pills: Birth control pills can be used by both men and women. Few types of birth control that are available are over the counter, natural, prescription, permanent, and emergency. 

    These are some of the recommendations by us. For detailed information, you and your partner can contact the gynecologist. This will give you the better understanding. Overall, about the contraception, we would suggest that contraception should be approached with wise counsel from gynecologist. Apart from that, friends, parents, older adults, and trusted medical professionals can also help you solve the issue. However, while deciding on which contraception to use, it is important to understand this area with the help of as much information and insight of the subject as possible. Asking counselors would give you better understanding of your concerns and they can also provide you with referrals to qualified marriage.

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