Alcohol and Other Drug Use in Adolescence: How to Help

    Adolescence is a time for youngsters to try new things. Different people get involve in different things and some of them like trying alcohol. We all have gone through that age and experimentation with alcohol and other drugs during adolescence is very common. Unfortunately, in adolescence, they often don't see the consequences that it will happen in the future. Now that the age is less, they have the tendency to feel indestructible and immune to the problems. While some of the youngsters experiment and stop, or continue occasionally, there are others, who develop a dependency on dangerous drugs. However, it is difficult to know, which one will experiment, and which will turn out into an addiction. Youngsters, who develop the habit of alcohol and other drug problems have many reasons and some of them include: 

    • Curiosity: They are curious about how it feels like to be drunk, intoxicated, or high. 
    • Boredom: Very common in youngsters; they feel like if there is nothing else to do, trying drugs can give a feeling of excitement. 
    • Pleasure: Heavy mix of emotions, and feeling high. Teens think drugs can numb any pain. 
    • Defiance: They want to rebel against rules placed on them. 

    These were some of the reasons that involve youngsters in taking drugs. Certainly, there are ways to prevent it:-

    1. Education on Drug and Alcohol Risks: Adolescence is a phase when the brain is in a state of rapid development. At this time, people can lead to erratic behavior. As most of the dramatic changes happen during adolescence, it is important to educate children on the drug and alcohol risks. Let them know about the pros and cons of everything. 
    2. Talk to them: Youngsters also have opinions about alcohol, talk to them. It is a good idea to talk with your child from an early age. Start simply by asking ‘Do you ever heard about drinking alcohol from friends? What do you think? What do they say?’. Conversations give you a chance to communicate facts about alcohol. 
    3. Establish rules and consequences: Explain your family rules to the children, such as leaving a party where there is alcohol and not taking the car, whose driver is drunk. If they break these rules, consistently enforce consequences. 

    Adolescence is a phase when you can would your child in a better way. Just try to talk with them and explain what is right and what is wrong.

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