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Sometimes food is the only thing that we could think of. Food preoccupied our head so much that we are unable to focus on anything else. It's not our fault; we can't be blamed for having cravings for different foods. And, talking about infertility, it is a reality for many women out there. When we link infertility with food, it makes sense. Eating disorders such as anorexia in a woman can trouble them getting pregnant.
There is nothing disappointing for a woman, who is attempting to conceive a baby to see a negative sign on that pregnancy test. It strikes a myriad of emotions, from disappointment to sadness, to frustration and more. However, it is a well-known fact that diet and nutrition have a significant impact on a woman’s ability to conceive. The period cycles become irregular. This means they're not ovulating, or releasing an egg, each month, which certainly reduces the chances of getting pregnant.
There is a correlation between nutritional intake and fertility, so it is not surprising that there is a link between eating disorders and infertility. When we say eating disorders, it is a devastating psychiatric illness due to which serious disturbances are created in the body because of eating style or weight regulation. Although these eating disorders are related to various psychological, physical, and emotional consequences, and obviously have a significant health impact on the reproductive system.
In order to improve fertility, nourishment in the body should be done appropriately. There are powerful health changes due to nourishment in a female body that improve fertility, prevent miscarriages, and enable them to carry out a healthy pregnancy.
Some of the suggested guidelines for women who are trying to conceive or have discovered that they are pregnant:
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