How to Stay Connected: You and Your Teenage Child

    Being a parent, we all know, raising a teenager isn’t always easy. With the evolution of social networking and other things, teens nowadays are taking cues from their friends rather than their parents. However, friends cannot always provide the same support as parents do. Teenagers are getting away from their parents due to various external factors such as their closeness to their friends, social networking sites and many more.

    It’s not easy to reconnect with teenagers, and it might take more time than you think. What is important for a parent is to give special time and space to their child.This will help in retrieving the bond. As the children enter adolescence age, they become more independent and often like to spend more time away from you. You may notice that your child is not taking much interest in talking to you. But, that doesn't mean you should give up. There are various things that you can do to keep a healthy relationship. Here are some of them:


    1. Bridge Differences with Interest: Adolescence develops a sense of independence in teenagers and to fit yourself in it, you should share different interests and images. Confront their unfamiliar interest and do not criticize or simply ignore it. Treating them this way can surely set them apart. 
    2. Be affirmative: Teenage develops a sense of insecurity in children by seeing others. When they ask you are proud of me? Am I pretty or Am I of value? Answer affirmatively and encourage them. A parent is the child’s most important cheerleader. 
    3. Talk about anything: Sharing small things makes a huge difference. Keep talking to them about small things or your day or asking how your child’s day was. Let them open up about the things and let them know you are there to listen to them when they need somebody. 

    These are some of the ways by which you can stay connected with your teenager. Embrace their dreams, nurture them and support them. That is all needed to be a part of their small world. 

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