Facts Related to Breastmilk Pumping While Going to Work

    Blog by Aviral

    Are you a mom who is about to join work post the 6-month maternity leave? Does the idea of leaving your baby at home, dependent on packet milk, scares you? Do you have thoughts about quitting work due to a fear of disturbing your child’s feeding cycles? If yes, here are a few facts you must know regarding breast pumping that will assure you to continue working without worrying about breastfeeding your baby.

    1. Breast pumping can help maintain a regular milk supply. Pumping as per your baby’s feeding cycle makes your body accustomed to produce milk accordingly, mimicking the cycle.
    2. A baby using breast-milk bottles will not refuse normal breastfeeding if the latter is firmly established before giving the bottle. Babies can switch between the two.
    3. Mothers feel that stored milk is not as healthy as fresh milk. But if the milk is stored in sterilised bottles, refrigerated properly and thawed before feeding, it does not lose its nutritional value.
    4. While it is undeniable that mothers bond with the baby while breastfeeding but even cuddling, other skin to skin contact between mom and child does help establishing and maintaining the connection.
    5. Breast pumping may hurt a few women. Your body post birth becomes sensitive. Set the suction to suit yourself. Not too high suction can ease the process. It takes time to get used to the sensation. Even if low suction hurts, you probably need another size of the pump or even different sizes for both breasts.
    6. There are different types of breast pumps available-hand pumps, electric pumps, single pumps, double pumps etc. Choose the size according to your breast. At room temperature, breast milk can be stored up to 5-6h and in fridge, about 2 days. Thaw and use it. Even your partner can feed the child in your absence.
    7. Breast pumps cannot be shared, they are single user medical devices. Avoid cross contamination
    8. As per W.H.O., it is recommended to breast feed a baby till 6 months conventionally, post which, till 2 years, pumping and feeding the child with expressed milk works similarly.

    Breast pumping provides your child with what it needs most 24x7- your milk. It is a helpful technique for both the child’s health and you to go to work guilt-free.

    Keep it pumping, mommies!

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