MomKidCare is empowering women to take informed decisions by providing them an instant access to experienced & Verified Health professionals. we support women for diligent health-related choice making for themselves, fellow women and children. If you are an “Healthcare Professional” who wants to crazily disrupt the way Women and child healthcare needs are addressed in the industry, be it Antenatal to Postnatal care or new born to child care, we at momkidcare are all set to roll.


Refined Enquiries
Refined Enquiries

Our in-house Health Advisor ensures filtering of leads before entrusting them to you

 Additional Revenue Stream
Additional Revenue Stream

Just help us with your professional details and start getting niche clients in no time

Geographical Boundaries
Geographical Boundaries

Expand your reach to your clientele sitting mile away with the comfort at your home

Promotional Partner
Promotional Partner

We proudly create noise about our health practitioners which saves energy & time to brand yourself

How to join Momkidcare
Fill up the Online Form
Fill up the Online Form
Verification Check
Verification Check
Accept the Terms & Conditions
Accept the Terms & Conditions
Start Getting Clients
Start Getting Clients


Get yourself a chance to be rewarded, at the same time provide a golden opportunity to your friends / colleague to earn more
Your Details
Your Colleague/Friends Detail

Have a Question?

Do not hesitate to visit our FAQor write to us

Frequently Asked Questions

You must be Indian Citizen having all legal documents to support your professional service and Legal Citizenship of India, You must be above 18 Years of Age having minimum 2 Years of work experience in your professional service domain.

Since it’s a collaboration not the employment, you are not supposed to leave your current job. There should be consent from your employer “in case you have gone into an exclusive employment agreement which restrict you to not to entertain any outside work”. If it is not the case, you can balance your time as per your availability to provide the services to momkidcare users.

Yes, you are eligible to register with us as a Service Provider, it does not matter if you are a freelancer or having a registered company and not registered with GST, Only tax applicability may differ depending on case to case.

Subject to type of service, Momkidcare allow you to get bookings into 3 different modes. 1) Home: You may provide your services at the doorstep of patients/user 2) Centre: you can provide your services at your own Clinic/Hospital/Centre to the patients 3) Online: you can provide your services through Chat, Video call, Voice call using what’s app enabled smartphone.

It totally depends on bookings received. It will be booked as per your given time details.

Yes, Since momkidcare is a health service aggregator portal where user meets service providers and avail health services directly from them, it is mandatory by law that service providers has to get into an agreement with service aggregator.