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Prenatal yoga isn’t just a fancy class marketed to mothers. There are multiple benefits of yoga during pregnancy. From breathing control to improving sleep, it can help your pregnancy go smoother and make the birthing process more accessible.
But, there’s more to prenatal yoga that meets the eye.
What are the Benefits of Prenatal Yoga
There are more than the average number of benefits to prenatal yoga. It’s not just to relieve some stress in your back; here’s everything else it can help you with!
● Improves Sleep
● Reduces Stress and Anxiety
● Increases the strength and endurance of muscles necessary for childbirth
● Decreases lower back pain
● Improved nausea
● Decreases headaches
● Decreases shortness of breath
● Reduces stress
● Reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety
● Improved Blood Flow
What Happens During a Typical Session?
If you’re not sure about what a session for pregnant women looks like, then here’s a short description.
Breathing - In the sessions, you’re taught to focus on your breathing. It helps you manage any shortness of breath you experience during actual labour. You can also work through the contractions with breathing techniques!
Gentle Stretching - Much like in an actual yoga session, you’re asked to slowly stretch and loosen your joints. You’ll be asked to move your neck, arms, and legs through their full range of motion.
Postures - Not unlike an actual yoga class, you’ll be made to gently move your body into several positions to help you develop your strength. You’ll be using blankets, cushions, and belts to provide greater support, comfort, and balance.
Cool Down - Once all the stretching and strengthening are done, you’ll have to relax your muscles. You’ll be encouraged to pay attention to your breathing, look into your sensations, and bring about inner calm.
Are There Any Special Safety Guidelines?
Much like any other type of yoga, prenatal yoga also has its own safety rules and guidelines. It’s essential since it is necessary to protect your health and your baby’s health!
Health Care Provider - No matter what your own take on prenatal yoga is, you need to take the permission of your health care provider. In some instances, prenatal yoga isn’t good for you. It might increase your risk for preterm labour or exacerbate any existing medical conditions.
If you have a history of heart disease or back problems, then prenatal yoga might just lead to even worse issues.
Realistic Goals - Being pregnant means that you’re not going to have the same strength, stamina, and flexibility as you did previously, so don’t push yourself too much. But you will need to do at least 30 minutes of moderate physical exercise for five days a week minimum.
Pace It Out - An excellent way to check whether you’re overdoing it with the exercise is to see whether you can speak normally during the session. If you cannot, immediately let your instructor know and start to cool down.
Stay Hydrated and Cool - Make sure that your sessions happen in a cool and ventilated room to prevent any overheating and dehydration.
Avoid Certain Postures - You’ll need to change the way you tackle certain postures:
● Bend from your hips and not your back
● Don’t lie on your back or belly
● Don’t do any deep forward or backward bends
● Avoid any twisting poses
● Use props are your pregnancy progresses.
Avoid Overdoing It - As long as you avoid overdoing it, you’ll be fine. Here’s how you can do just that:
● Start slow
● Avoid positions beyond your control
● Don’t stretch further than you would’ve before your pregnancy
Signs to look out for:
● Vaginal bleeding
● Decreased fetal movement
● Contractions
Prenatal Poses for Every Trimester
You mustn’t stress your body out trying to exercise. While there are multiple different poses to try, there are specific positions you can use for every trimester.
In your first trimester:
● Head to knee forward bend
● Wide-angle seated forward bend
● Cat-Cow Pose
Second-trimester poses:
● Bound Angle Pose
● Child’s Pose
● Triangle Pose
● Standing Forward Bend
Third-trimester poses:
● Warrior 2
● Garland Pose
● Easy Pose (Sukhasana)
● Side Corpse Pose
Wrapping Up
Prenatal yoga is important for the health of you and your baby. But it requires you to be careful. You’ll need to take the necessary precautions and do the correct poses to get the most out of your prenatal yoga.
With the right exercises and care, you’ll be stronger, more flexible, and ready to take on childbirth like a pro!
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