Mistakes to Avoid During Pushing at Birth

    Blog by Aviral

    Every expecting mother, without any second thoughts, wants her delivery to go smoothly and normally. However, the truth is, giving birth to a baby comes with a lot of challenges. Labor means hard work, and during that time unexpected events can occur. Giving birth to a child is unpredictable, but complex scenarios are not exceptional. Normal delivery could suddenly turn into a C-section surgery. There is a long list of mishaps, which can occur during pushing and giving birth. In this scenario, there's hardly something that a mother could do.

    Labor is an activity, which is filled with the excitement of seeing your baby, thrill, terror, and pain. Of course, there are pain medications, but labor can be mentally and emotionally painful. That’s why it is important to take childbirth classes and prenatal education to make yourself ready for childbirth. First-time moms go through different emotions while trying to push out that little human inside of them. To make their task easier, here we have mentioned a few mistakes to avoid in pushing while preparing for childbirth.

    1. Not resting enough: Childbirth does make a first-time mother nervous. Labor can increase the level of anxiety, so mothers should sleep during early labor. New mom should get much-needed rest before the labor. Not only it is beneficial for the mother, but this will also help the baby to relax.
    2. Don't expect the pushing to be easy: Pushing is not at all an easy task, so be prepared. Don't get surprised by the sensations of pushing, it is a lot of work. Keep yourself hydrated and putting a cold washcloth on their forehead and the back of the neck can be helpful. It is better to go for childbirth classes to know more about pushing at birth. 
    3. Not changing positions: Try different positions during the stage of pushing, it provides significant pain relief and encourages the mother to keep moving forward. Ensure to do some researching about positioning during labor or take childbirth classes or prenatal education. 

    However, it is still advisable to take the classes from certified childbirth educators before the delivery to make yourself ready for it.

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