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    To be Father

    CONGRATULATIONS! for the news of baby that just arrived after the positive pregnancy test.  

    Pregnancy for dads is equally exciting and brings along a lot of changes in their sense of responsibilities and caring attitude towards the family. It's an enticing news, however, some points of it are new for you such as changing a diaper, calming your crying baby or staying up at night when the baby is awake. 

    During this period your partner needs you the most and expect you to be available almost always for some or another unsaid reasons. It may also bring some challenges in your relationship especially if it is your first baby. Some couples cope with these changes very easily and others find it little hard to manage.

    Therefore, in this important period, you should keep yourself cool and give your best by supporting your partner and making each moment memorable. 

    Tips before pregnancy for to be father:

    • Get involved to create a stress free environment
    • Ensure your presence during regular check up
    • Build network of social support
    • Support healthy habits
    • Spend time with your partner
    • Read pregnancy books, listen to music and talk with mummy's tummy
    • Attend childbirth classes
    • Manage work and finances

    Here are a few tips suggested for expectant fathers during the pregnancy phase:

    • Get involved to create a stress-free environment: it will be a strong booster for a mother if the father starts participating in small discussions related to physical changes, feelings and planning the activities. This will help in creating a healthy warm environment both for a mother and baby’s development. 
    • Ensure your presence during regular check-ups and doctors visit: Health check-ups are most important during pregnancy and it is your duty to take your wife for regular check-ups to ensure a healthy pregnancy. Plan out some time with your partner for a medical check-up, this will help her to remain comfortable and boost her confidence. 
    • Build a network of social support: If you feel that you are going through some tough time then we will suggest you connect with your close friends. Friends are a real mentor who can give genuine advice on how to become a successful father. 
    • Support healthy habits: Ensure a healthy diet of your partner and yourself. You should encourage your partner to initiate pregnancy exercise or yoga after the first trimester of pregnancy. If you're a smoker, do everything in your control to quit. Passive smoking can harm your baby and partner.
    • Talk to your partner – It’s important to create a bond with your partner during pregnancy. While having strong communication, you can share emotions and thoughts together for better bonding. 
    • Making Love While Pregnant: Don’t worry, if the sexual desire arises, that’s normal during pregnancy. Just talk with your partner about the feeling to create a special moment together. 
    • Read pregnancy books, listen to music and talk with mummy’s tummy: Babies start recognizing your voice by the second trimester and will respond with some body movements. It is soothing and creates an abstract bonding between both of you.
    • Childbirth classes: This is the best way to create a bond with your partner by attending childbirth classes together. These sessions will help you to understand the pregnancy journey better and areas where your support is crucial. It also gives the opportunity to learn tips on parenting viz. baby holding, diaper change, and baby bathing techniques.
    • Work and Finances: You can set your mind at ease by looking into paternity leave, family health insurance to lead planned future. 

    Tips suggested for expecting fathers after the baby is born:

    Bringing your baby home from the hospital is a major event in any father’s life. You must have planned a lot of things to make this event memorable. But, during this course, we should ensure that utmost priority should be given to mother and child healthcare and wellbeing. Few tips to all the fathers:

    • Help your partner in breastfeeding (if any issue, please consult a lactation consultant)
    • Ensure baby burp after breastfeeding
    • Before handling a baby wash your hands and ensure other too.
    • Getting involved in the daily care of your baby – diaper change, settling a baby, playing and bathing activities.
    • Help in putting your baby to sleep 
    • Ensure your partner’s proper diet, medication and sleeping schedule
    • Hold your baby properly
    • Ensure timely vaccination of your baby

    Being a dad needs a lot of efforts, commitment, and patience from your end. But, at the same time, it also gives unique happiness and feeling of completeness involve in raising a baby. 

    Frequently Asked Questions

    • It will always joyful to go for a doctor appointment with your partner.
    • Ask questions, gather information and share with your partner. 
    • Get connected with your baby by hearing the baby’ heartbeat and see an image of the baby on a sonogram. 
    • Tour the maternity ward at the hospital or birthing center where you plan to have the delivery.
    • Prepare your home for the baby by making any needed home improvements or renovations.
    • Be stress-free and follow strategies like exercise or enjoying movies, books, music, or sports.

    • Get your wife a support group
    • Consult an experienced doctor who is trained in dealing with antenatal mood problems.
    • Make sure to be present in every doctor’s appointment with your wife.
    • Help her calm down and offer massage or warm water bath. 
    • Take her on a vacation. 
    • Continue the treatment for your wife even after she starts to feel better.