Pre-marriage health

    Congratulations on your wedding confirmation!!

    Marriage is the starting phase and new life for a couple as they usher into another stage of life in respect of forming social, emotional, family and healthy relationships around them.

    While spending a fortune on your wedding attire and makeup to look beautiful on a special day, think of spending a dime for your inner beauty and health to ensure a long-term happiness.

    However, most of the couples always ignore the important part: a health checkup before marriage. It is very important to take health aspect seriously before marriage to lead a happy married life.

    Importance of premarital health checkup

    With changing lifestyle and professional patterns, most of the people ignore their health concerns. 

    There are many sorts of things which contribute to the bigger picture in terms of healthy marital life such as family background, age, diet, weight management, hereditary factors, exercise and addictions.

    A health check-up before marriage will clear all the doubts, a person may have in mind related to health concerns. Pre-marital screening assists couples who are considering marrying in recognizing potential health issues and risks related to their lifestyle.

    It is highly essential for couples to be screened to help them understand their own personal health issues and take much-needed precautions or treatments.

    Prenup health update (age related health check-up and counseling)

    Prenup health check-up and counseling involve physical examination as well as certain diagnostic examinations to find out the health of both man and woman to consult the doctor for better understanding. It is not about going through various tests and be on a fault finding mission, but it is for the healthy life of the couple.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Prenup health check-up and counseling involves physical examination as well as certain diagnostic examinations to find out the health of both man and woman. It is not about going through various tests and be on a fault finding mission, but it is for the healthy life of you and your future baby. So, do not hesitate and go for premarital screening before marriage. 

    1. Use condom
    2. Urinate after each sexual intercourse
    3. Clean vagina from front to back towards the anus
    4. Change your lingerie every day