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    Immunization comes from the Latin word immunis which means a state of protection. Immunization is the process by which immunity is produced in the body using vaccines, thus protecting the body from serious infections. Vaccines are administered to the baby in the form of injections or oral doses that provide protection to the baby. Immunization is a very safe and effective way to save your child’s life from these diseases.  

    Importance of Immunization:

    A newborn has the only immunity which he/she gets passively from the mother. This makes them more prone to such vulnerable infections. 

    So, to develop the immunity of the baby we need to give vaccines starting from the birth of the baby. This protects the baby from life-threatening infections in the early growing days.

    We always do what is best for our child. So why not protect them from some of the most dangerous diseases. 


    Frequently Asked Questions

    A newborn has the only immunity which he/she gets passively from the mother. This makes them more prone to such vulnerable infections.  So, to develop the immunity of the baby we need to give vaccines starting from the birth of the baby. This protects the baby from life-threatening infections in the early growing days. We always do what is best for our child. So why not protect them from some of the most dangerous diseases. 

    Whenever our body gets attacked by an infection, it fights back by mounting an immune response in defense comprising of antibodies and fighter cells. This first response may not be strong enough to counter the infection but if we are exposed to the infection second time, the body’s response is very rapid and more powerful. This is the principle of immunization.  We give vaccines which contain a small fragment of the infectious agent, which triggers the immune response but does not cause the disease. This immune response develops antibodies that help to fight the baby if gets exposed to the infection and thus provides protection from the disease.

    Sometimes a child may get mild reactions from vaccines. Also, a child may get upset because of pain at the injection site, fever or rash. Although these are absolutely normal reactions and will go away soon you can do the following to help your baby feel better:  

    • Review the information shared by your doctor about the possible side effects of the vaccine. 
    • Cold compression at the injection site to reduce redness, pain, and swelling. 
    • Cold sponging to reduce fever. Non-aspirin pain reliever as instructed by your doctor. The temperature should be controlled otherwise it may lead to seizures in babies. 
    • Though less common, your child might develop some allergic reactions like rash, swollen lips, breathing difficulty, vomiting within a few minutes after the vaccination. Consult the doctor on an urgent basis. 
    • Be attentive towards your child for a few days and consult your doctor if anything bothers you.  

    Going well prepared for vaccination can be very helpful and less stressful for the parents. Keep the following points in mind while going for your baby’s immunization:  

    • Read some vaccine-related material 
    • Take your child’s immunization record or vaccines list along 
    • Keep the favorite toy or book or any item that your child uses regularly to comfort your child 
    • No need to reschedule vaccination visit in case of any mild illness of the child. Or you can consult your pediatrician for better advise 
    • During and after vaccination, hold and cuddle your baby to make him comfortable.

    Vaccination is a widely accepted way to provide protection from some dangerous diseases but still, some people avoid vaccination because of its minor side effects. Vaccination has greatly reduced and in some cases completely eliminate the occurrence of many serious diseases that can kill or severely disable affected person.  These benefits of vaccines should compel every parent to get their child vaccination done at the right age.  

    In these cases, you can continue vaccination as per the current age of the baby.  In fact, children can catch up on their vaccination schedule even if they have received some of their shots and then fallen behind schedule. There is no need to give any previously given vaccine again as already received vaccines still count.

    Your child can be vaccinated even in the following condition:  

    • Light fever (less than 101 degrees)  
    • Cold (runny nose) and cough (dry throat) 
    • Infection in ear 
    • Light diarrhea ( other stomach-related problems) 

    Vaccination is not indicated in the following conditions:  

    • Any chronic health conditions such as cancer  
    • An enfeeble immune system for example; on undergoing the chemotherapy or consuming some type of medicines after a transplant operation.  
    • Faced a critical allergic reaction to a preceding dose of vaccine or some components in a vaccine In any condition, if you have any concern, consult your pediatrician and take his advice for vaccination.  

    The immunization schedule recommended by IAP Indian Academy of Paediatrics which is followed by all the practicing pediatricians.  Kindly note that the following information is only for your reference only and advise you to ensure that your child always receives the vaccine on time under the supervision of the health professionals.  

    Refer to the table available in Recommendation section of Newborn & Kidcare.