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We all face struggle sometime, somewhere in making the decision. There is a problem with all of us in setting the boundaries and settling for something, which is not appropriate. Just think, being an adult, if we are facing these problem what about our children? While growing up, child go through immense pressure of pleasing others by constantly sacrificing themselves. So, as a parent, it is our responsibility to encourage our children to be true to themselves and their needs and stand up for themselves.
In this process, the very first step that we can take towards our children as a parent is that to teach them about using their intuition safely and confidently to say “NO”. It is our duty to make them learn that they know themselves best. It is about teaching them their authentic power. 'No' is a complete word in every form and if we teach our children to say no, we are truly preparing them for the outside world. Teaching them saying No means we are allowing them to not do anything they do not feel comfortable in doing.
Here are some of the ways to teach your children:
Honestly, it is unacceptable for the parents to hear a No from their child. But, it is important to teach children that we all have the right to say No and that it is totally okay.
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