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There might be so many questions popping into your head if you are planning to have your baby. Maintaining good health and taking care of yourself should be your first goal to boost the chances of getting pregnant. Here, you will find some tips from our health experts that will help you to rectify the odds of having your baby.
Track your menstrual cycles: Having an eye on your menstrual cycles is mandatory so you can track the accurate time to intercourse. There are better chances of getting pregnant on usually 12-16th day of your cycle (depends on the length of menstrual cycle). During this period, ovulation occurs and increases your chance to get pregnant.
Seek guidance: You are advised to consult with health experts to identify the best ways to get pregnant. Feel free to ask fertility-related questions and solve your issues. Both partners are recommended to attend the consultation so the best counseling could be done. In case of further issues like PCOS, PCOD, etc. our team will assist you with the best solutions with their expertise.
Maintain an ideal body weight: Both underweight and overweight could be obstacles in your journey of getting pregnant. As extra body fat promotes the secretion of excess estrogen hormone that might interfere with your ovulation. In research, it is also found that females with obesity delay their pregnancy by two times more than normal females. need Reference
Having less BMI ( below 18) can also resist the ovulatory process. However, a study finds that underweight women extend their chances by 4 times. need Reference.
Supplementation is essential: Before or after conception, some vitamins and minerals are required by our body in more quantity than usual. After consulting with your doctor you can start having iron and folic acid supplements to reduce the chances of neural tube defects and fulfill the increasing body demands.
Adopt healthy eating: Good nutrition is the key to a healthy you and a healthy baby. Adopting healthy eating habits will store the essential nutrients in your body required to get pregnant. An adequate storehouse helps to provide all nutrients required for ovum production, growth, maturation, and hence ovulation.
Stay active: Performing yoga and exercise can rectify the issue of having irregular periods. Once the regularity is attained the ovulation can be easy to track. In addition, each body is structured differently. So, it will be great if you attend customized yoga classes where you will get proper assistance and guidance that suits you the best.
Couple bonding to boost emotional strength – need to HIGHLIGHT STRESS MANAGEMENT
Summing up
There is no fire rule to getting pregnant as fast as you want. Surely, you can boost your chances by following the above-mentioned tips. We are ready to serve you with our team of experts to speed up your chance of having a baby.
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