Teenage Bullying: What to Look for and how to Help

    Bullying is never been a laughing matter or okay in any of the aspects. Bullying is a serious problem, which is unfortunately too common in middle and high school. Children have been dealing with this abusive behavior since the beginning of time. Although, some of them survive and come out stronger, while others just become the victim of it. Being a parent, it is our responsibility to look if the child is being bullied.

    You have to remain conscious and look for signs of problems at school, as well as emotional and physical signs. It is only you who can help your child to sort out the bullying. Nobody deserves to be bullied and if a child is bullied, he/she might start feeling powerless, scared, embarrassed, or even depressed. This, as a parent, we never want. Having to deal with bullies can be a challenging experience for children. So, to help out parents, we have mentioned few tips to deal with bullying:

    1. Don’t blame your children: It is not the fault of your child if he is being bullied. Don't blame your children for what’s happening. Never say “you must be doing something.” In every case of bulling there is often no reason for a child to be picked on. Blaming your child will make them even more disappointed. And, they can even start blaming themselves for what’s happening.
    2. Talk in school about your child's bullying: If a child is being bullied at school, you should get the help of the school. Make sure the school in which your child is studying takes bullying seriously. As children stay most of the time in school, a school should work with you to try to prevent further bullying.
    3. Have an open conversation and make an action plan: Talk openly with your teen about the bullying. Show them your support and assist with building self-awareness. Help them what should they do in the situation, which friend can they turn to, which teacher do they trust? And, when should they respond and when not.

    These are just some of the tips to make sure your child remains safe from bullying. Moreover, you should learn the signs of bullying in teen and learn how to handle it.

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