Your Pregnancy Week by Week


    Stage Details

    Many congratulations, you have successfully crossed halfway of your pregnancy. By this time, meconium starts producing- a harmless mixture of swallowed amniotic fluid and intestine secretions of the baby. In the scans, you might be able to identify the foot and elbow of the baby. Enjoy this feeling and share it with your partner too.


    Pregnancy Symptoms

    Now as you crossed midway of your pregnancy and you may experience:  

    • Change in the skin tone of the mother: Your skin tone may differ now, and this is irrespective of the weather.  
    • Heartburn and indigestion: Due to increased pressure on digestive system, you may not be able to digest food as efficiently as you used to digest before. So, avoid acidic and spicy foods.  
    • Difficult to catch your breaths: Due to great expansion of your uterus, it pushes against your lungs and causes shortness of breath. Just take some rest and relax. DO not push yourself too hard to do anything.  
    • Parents feelings: it is normal to feel excited about the new baby . If you are anxious about labor and birth, join some fitness classes so that you may feel more confident and in control when the time comes. 

    Exercise and physical activity

    Apart from doing pelvic floor exercises, continue with your yoga and meditation sessions. You should also make a routine to walk every day. If you have still not started any physical activity, it is high time to start being active from now onwards to have a safe pregnancy. 


    Things to do this week 

    • Break up the day by putting the feet up for an hour. 
    • Try some breathing sessions after climbing stairs. 
    • Rest frequently or whenever you feel exhausted.  
    • Avoid any new piercings, it is best to wait until your pregnancy is over. 
    • Intake of iron can help you in increasing volume of red blood cell. So, take iron rich foods like Veg: spinach, kale, beans, edamame & Non-veg: Chicken, beef, whole eggs etc.