Your Pregnancy Week by Week


    Stage Details

     As you move further in your pregnancy, you could feel more and more movements of your baby. This will be an amazing feeling and you are going to love those little responses. Your baby can hear and might even responds to loud music. Also, the digestive system of your baby starts working now.      

    Pregnancy Symptoms

    Most of the annoying symptoms of pregnancy goes by this time, but now the real discomfort starts as the baby grows in size and your organs are affected by its pressure. You may experience:  

    • Backache: Backache may increase now due to excessive pressure on back due to weight gain. This may also be accompanied by leg cramps, especially at night. .  
    • Trouble sleeping: With increasing weight of your baby as well as yours, you may not be able to sleep properly as you used to sleep before your baby. Don’t worry, this phase will move shortly.  

    Exercise and physical activity: 

    Exercise and doing some form of physical activity daily is very important during pregnancy. As you enter into 18th week of pregnancy, you can start kegal exercises. Here is a step to step guide for kegal exercise for home as well as work space:  Sit in a good posture in your chair. Now exhale and tighten your pelvic floor muscles. Hold this position for count of five to ten, and then release. Repeat this for at least ten times in a day. If you are not much aware of this exercise, then you can join some prenatal exercises sessions and learn the right way to do these exercises.  

    Things to do this week

    •  Your doctor may advise you for an ultrasound between 18-20 week USG SCAN. 
    • Time to sleep on your left side to manage the increase blood circulation and increasing size of the baby. 
    • Stretch marks is common during pregnancy. Applying lotions that contain vitamin E and alpha hydroxy acids may help to prevent stretch marks. 
    • Eat well and get a short power nap in the afternoon to stay energetic.  
    • Intake of Provitamin A Carotenoids are beneficial for protecting vision and safe-guarding against cellular damage. So, include foods rich in vitamin A like carrots, tomatoes, apricots, sweet potatoes, kale, broccoli, eggs, milk etc.