Your Pregnancy Week by Week


    Stage Detail 

    Wow, you have crossed first trimester successfully and entered a new phase of pregnancy that will be full of more surprises and excitement. The baby looks much more like human,the head is big in proportion with the body. At 13 weeks, your baby inside the womb has become a grown up fetus with vocal cords and even fingerprints, yes, you heard it right! It sounds great na! Now your baby will excrete urine into amniotic sac as liver will release bile and kidney will also start working.  

    Pregnancy Symptoms 

    There will be some change in your pregnancy symptoms from now onwards. Morning sickness and nausea will no longer interrupt you in day (if not now, soon these will stop bothering you). If you are carrying twins, it may continue for more weeks. Though some symptoms may subside, there will be some new ones too like: 

    • Visible Veins Streaks: Due to increased blood flow, there will be blue veins streaks under your skin which is absolutely normal in pregnancy and will vanish soon after pregnancy. Be calm, don’t panic!  
    • Increase in energy: Second trimester will be your most energetic pregnancy phase as you will feel more like yourself and get that energy gush. Moreover, if you haven’t started exercises, now’s this is the time to start . Exercise will give huge benefits to you and to your little one who will soon be coming in this world and can even make your labor simpler. Worth it! Start it now..


    Exercise and physical activity

    • Do you feel sore and uncomfortable in your daily routine? Try some of the safe stretches to alleviate your aches and pain such as:-  
    • Shoulder Stretches 
    • Chest Stretches 
    • Neck Stretches 
    • Calf Stretches 

    Momkidcare advise you to do all these exercises under the supervision of an antenatal exercise expert. 

    Things to do this week 

    • Avoid eating tilefish, swordfish, king mackerel as these fish contain high levels of mercury. 
    • Buy comfortable bra for proper support 
    • As you have completed first trimester, there can be a boost in sex drive. Have fun! But if you are carrying twins or have a history of early miscarriage, consult your doctor and stay safe.  
    • Drink more water to remain hydrated. Enjoy milk, fruit & vegetable juices, flavored waters.  
    • Include beans, pulses, barley, fruits, lean meat, peanut butter and low fat dairy products in your daily diet.