Picky eaters child nutritional program

Picky eaters child nutritional program

Rs. 799
Rs. 999.00(20% OFF)


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Children may become selective eaters for a variety of reasons. Each child (and each family) needs a personalised and individual approach to improve their eating habit. Being selective in eating, may cause a severe nutritional deficiency in child. Growing children needs high ca...Read More
1 Online Consultation with diet plan
1 Online Consultation with diet plan
Certified & experienced Child Nutritionist
Certified & experienced Child Nutritionist
Easy Refund Policy
Easy Refund Policy

Child Nutritionist at momkidcare, will try to address your concerns/issues and asses the reasons and find practical solutions for the picky eating habits. The current nutritional requirement of your child will be estimated, and a diet plan will be given which is nutritious, easy to make and encourages the child to make healthy choices. The menus will be prepared considering the food preferences and family food habits.

<ul><li>Underweight or undernourished child because of selective eating&nbsp;</li><li>Sometimes or few day eat very less, some times eat more</li><li>Dislike most of the food/dishes&nbsp;</li><li>Vomits if being forced your baby to eat</li></ul>
  • Underweight or undernourished child because of selective eating 
  • Sometimes or few day eat very less, some times eat more
  • Dislike most of the food/dishes 
  • Vomits if being forced your baby to eat
<ul><li>Assessment of the cause of child&rsquo;s habit of picky eating and the nutritional deficiencies associated with it.&nbsp;</li><li>Nutritional counselling and customized meal planning for achieving the optimum nutritional requirements in the daily diet.&nbsp;</li><li>Nutritional counselling and guidance to the make meal times more enjoyable and struggle free.&nbsp;</li><li>&nbsp;Expert guidance to gradually improve the dietary intake of the child, if the previous diet was significantly deficient.&nbsp;</li><li>Easy to make recipes with special focus on keeping in mind food concentration, immunity boosting foods, high fiber foods like fruits and vegetables.</li></ul>
  • Assessment of the cause of child’s habit of picky eating and the nutritional deficiencies associated with it. 
  • Nutritional counselling and customized meal planning for achieving the optimum nutritional requirements in the daily diet. 
  • Nutritional counselling and guidance to the make meal times more enjoyable and struggle free. 
  •  Expert guidance to gradually improve the dietary intake of the child, if the previous diet was significantly deficient. 
  • Easy to make recipes with special focus on keeping in mind food concentration, immunity boosting foods, high fiber foods like fruits and vegetables.
<p><strong>Mode of Service Delivery</strong>*: Online (via Chat, What&rsquo;s app Video call, Telephone)</p><p><strong>&nbsp;No of Sessions</strong>*: 1 Online consultation (Valid for 1 day)</p><p><strong>&nbsp;Duration of Each Session</strong>: 25-30 minutes</p>

Mode of Service Delivery*: Online (via Chat, What’s app Video call, Telephone)

 No of Sessions*: 1 Online consultation (Valid for 1 day)

 Duration of Each Session: 25-30 minutes